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For a rustic camping experience tryTsendze Rustic Camp Site where the sites are placed in two circles around the ablution and kitchen facilities.

Tsendze is ideal for campers who want a safari experience in a rustic environment. You can explore the falls within the Mooiplaas Ranger Section which is known for its large buffalo herds and many elephant bulls.

There are 30 camp sites, two ablution facilities and two camp kitchens.

Only the very basic services are offered at this Kruger Park camp, such as warm water from gas geysers with lighting in the kitchens and ablutions provided by a solar battery system.

No electricity is supplied and generators are not permitted to operate, thus ensuring that noise levels are kept to an absolute minimum.

The camp is conveniently located 7km south of Mopani Rest Camp and about 20km north of the Giriyondo / Makhadzi turn off on the H1-6 main road between Letaba and Mopani rest camps.

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