Nhlanguleni Road

The name Nhlanguleni comes from the Shangaan name for guarri bush. Also known as the toothbrush tree, the twig ends of the guarri bush can be divided into a brush-like strands, which can be used as a natural toothbrush.

This road consists mainly of mixed bushwillow woodland, and on this 68 kilometer stretch of gravel road you can spend a few relaxing hours, as there is not a lot of traffic.

There are two picnic spots along the way, the Muzandzeni Picnic Spot, just 9 km from the turnoff and the Nhlanguleni Picnic Spot, more towards the end of the road.

The S36 links the H7 from Orpen with the H1-2 towards Tshokwane.

On this road you can mostly see giraffe, buffalo, zebra, warthog and kudu, but lions are not uncommon.

Along the way is a few waterholes, as well as the beautiful Lugmag Dam, where elephant herds can sometimes be seen cooling down.

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