Eating fish and chips while sitting in a shopping mall or boulevard in town can be a pleasant experience but eating fish and chips bought from a fair dinkum coastal fish and chips shop in Gordon’s Bay, renowned for its ocean fresh fish and seafood, that comes served with a mound of slap chips, drenched in salt and vinegar, is an absolute culinary delight!   

Strolling down the beach front with this traditional feast firmly gripped in your anxious hands, wrestling against an offshore wind with wet beach sand squishing between your toes and waves testing your agility; now that is what eating fish and chips is all about!  Now it becomes a culinary adventure!

Savouring each morsel one can’t help but wonder about the private lives of those tanned bodies casting their lines and patiently waiting for an unsuspecting pan-fry to bite. Do they do this for a living or as a hobby, or is it merely their daily bread, how long does one usually wait for a bite, how many bites do you usually get in one day, on how many days do you get no bites?  These thoughts pervade your mind as you think of the ease in which you just walked in, put your money on the counter and walked out with your freshly grilled delight.

 Geskryf deur: Valerie Pamela

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